Reading Tufte

Finished up the first three volumes from Edward Tufte on data information and visualization. While I read a bit a few years ago, and follow data viz on Twitter and the web, it was good to sit down and go through them. I will pick up “Beautiful Evidence” at some point for sure.

I very much appreciate the history of data viz Tufte goes though, as well as the amazing examples from the pragmatic side of data viz. (There are many examples of amazing not-so-pragmatic data viz out there.)

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SQL Fundamentals

Like last week’s effort with Regular Expressions, I’ve been piecing together SQL queries for some time now and decided to work through a lite tutorial. I noticed the website with the Regular Expressions tutorial also offered SQL; so I jumped into SQLBolt.

I am much more familiar with SQL than Reg Ex, but there are areas where my knowledge is thin. Above all, it was a good for me to do exercises in a different domain, where I got to use arithmetic, as well create/update tables.

SQLBolt did a good job of breaking down the basics. SQL is a large topic, and the SQLBolt‘s format was a bit strained to capture all that was needed to understand each lesson. However, it was not overwhelming and the gratification the interactivity provides helps keep one motivated.

SQL BOLT's tutorial completion page.
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Regular Expressions

To clean up data for analysis, I’ve had to dip my toes into regular expressions. For example, writing a line of instructions that can separate first and last names and removing middle ones from a list of people.

To do this, I use the tool Notepad++, a free text editor whose find-and-replace allows for regular expressions.

However, for far too long I’ve relied on searching the web for snippets of instruction that will fill the immediate need. So I this morning I went through the RegexOne series of lessons and practice problems. They do a great job of breaking down the areas, providing instruction, problem sets, and interactivity. I highly recommend this course. (I even gave them a donation.)

I did RegexOne
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Cartogram of Oregon Counties

Building a chart

The state of Oregon’s Open Data Portal provides access and assistance to a whole number of datasets and charts. I’ve been interested in looking at the similarities and differences between counties and locations (mostly in healthcare). I’ve done a few instances of small multiple charts, but wanted to place all the little county charts together in a better context – about where they are situated in real life. So, I began trying to make a cartogram template of Oregon, where all the counties are the same size.

I began with a few quick sketches, but found I was erasing more than I was drawing; so I ended up cutting up small pieces of paper for each county and moving them around. I found this worked very well and recommend it to anyone trying to do something similar. However, there were still some issues I couldn’t get around.

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Understanding Other People

When worlds collide. My amateur, ongoing, reading list for understanding, and working with, those you may not agree with. My example is to look at the US political, right/left, conservative/liberal, cultural divide. Readings in no particular order. I’m also trying to strike some balance as to what to read.

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