Second Life Heathcare Wiki

Perplexity Peccable sent word that a group of folks are putting together SLHealthy. It already has a good collection of resources, and could be a great resource for folks. If not, you might ask her if you can contribute!


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Audio October Messier Tour … beta

Quick re-cap: I am an amateur astronomer (very amateur.) Although I read up on the various things to look at, it all pretty much goes out of my head when I’m up late at night with my scope. So I commenced creating podcasts to listen to. Each files is to be associated with a particular celestial body. However, this project would take forever, so I’ve switched to a “quick and dirty method.”

Here’s a sample, M13:

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Dossia and Providers – PHRs

Dossia is a group of employers putting together a Personal Health Record system. It is an attempt to get a better return on their investment as well as fixing the system by preempting providers. With highly quotable members, an agressive agenda, a court case and recriminations, it is also an interesting situation to watch unfold.

In early September I wrote a paper for my OHSU Informatics class, The Business of Healthcare Informatics (John Kenagy.) The paper briefly looks at Dossia history, then explores how providers may approach such PHRs: Dossia and Doctors- An Employer Driven, Personal Health Record and The Provider. (pdf)

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Postcards from a Second Life Healthcare Tourist

Knoh Oh with MonitorAs readers of my old blog know, I’ve been traveling to Second Life and recording various health care related sites.  I’m called Knoh Oh in-world and have been sending postcards to Snapzilla anyone can view them.  I’m currently up to 64 sites.

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Moving in…

Please excuse some old stuff re-posted.  I plan on putting up all my old content, but in its own area.  I am adding highly requested items directly into the new, spiffy, blog.

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