Is that a sliderule in your pocket?…Yes!

Print out this file and with a little paper craft you can havecircular sliderule a circular slide rule addition
to your hipster.

(Use clear plastic for the cursor.)

Many thanks to Charles Kankelborg.

Circular Slide Rule PDF

Circular Slide Rule Scribus source

Posted in Hipster PDA | 4 Comments

Something Up My Sleeve

Confession time:

When I’m on the move, I find my Hipster and Fobster a bit too far out of reach for the quick glance to keep me on track. Plus, if there is something crucial that I absolutely have to remind myself of, I’ll write it on my…. hand.

Yup. Can’t miss it there.

So stretching Hipster technology perhaps a bit too far, I’ve come up with what I call “The Mission Band”. It is not just a big blank thing to write on, or my case a freckled hairy arm, but a tastefully done accent to one’s wrist and memory.

Offered to you under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License…so feel free to make it your own:

Mission Band pdf
Mission Band Open Office Draw file

Posted in Hipster PDA | 5 Comments

More Fun with Pottery and Info.

A plate with a smiley face in relief…perfect for playing with your food.

And an “On/Off” mug that changes meaning with the temperature.

THX BoingBoing

Posted in Art | 1 Comment

Good time to visit healthcare in Second Life

For those interested, Second Life will have a series of things going on concerning World AIDs day, Dec 1st.

Rik has collected information about it.

Looks like they are getting ready over at HealthInfo Island.

I’ll try to get a little time in-world, so feel free to IM me, Knoh Oh.

Knoh Oh Pic

Posted in Medical Informatics | Leave a comment

Something is happening … Mr. Jones

So I get this month’s issue of American Craft, just about tear off their new half page cover and remember that I need to keep it on as it is part of their new makeover.  I’m thinking “Ho Hum …lipstick on a pig”.  (OK, that was a bit harsh.)

But I find myself surprised.   I find myself wondering if someone at the American Craft Council gets it.  I find myself staring at a book review about knitting.

Why is that important?

There has been a new, alternative, craft movement in the US, at least, for a number of years, that has captured the imagination of a whole new generation of young (and old) minds.  Knitting (note: not “fiber arts”) has been one of its vanguards.

I’ve been wondering about this for over 2 years. And some folks have been banging the drum longer and louder than I.

I think we are seeing the entry of this new, alternative, craft into the mainstream craft world.  Should be interesting.

Thx Bob 

Posted in Art | 2 Comments