The Fobster

When my Hipster PDA got left behind, I found myself picking up all sorts of scraps of paper to write on. Now I keep a small stack of planner templates on my keychain. It is small enough not to bother me, is with me just about where ever I go, and includes the stuff I need to stay organized.

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Posted in Hipster PDA | 7 Comments

Online Patient / Provider Messaging Systems

Enhancing Asynchronous Internet Communication with Information Technology

I researched this topic for a Consumer Health Information class at OHSU. I think the paper turned out well and could use a wider audience. I tried to come from my experience of using various tools to manage customer service email.

From the Abstract:

Online patient / provider communication has a number of barriers, but also a wealth of opportunities. After a brief background, the majority of the paper concerns three important information technology tools that enhance Internet asynchronous communication between patient and provider: Content Management- the use of predetermined content. Message Flow Management- the use of message routing systems. Quality Management- the use of quality matrices and reports.

Download: patientprovidermessaging.pdf

Posted in Collaboration / Community, Medical Informatics | 2 Comments

Links to content-

Some handy links to content off my “old” host. We’ll be re-doing those in a bit, but hate for folks to get too lost.

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New Site

5 years of blogging and I’m moving over to WordPress and a new host. Radio Userland was working just fine, but I ran into a hitch with Yahoo Domains and “cannot relay” with my email, so it is over to Bluehost.

I should have moved awhile back as most of my content is not linked to…but it was a grand experiment done on the cheap!

Please excuse the dust while I put things in some sort of order… and look forward to some neat-o stuff in the near future!

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First Post!

No, really…Hello World!

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