Cone 11 (Forced Air) Number 2

From the old site. 11/24/2004

It’s No Fluke Edition
Cone 11 Forced Air

Just to prove it wasn’t a fluke-

Cone 11 (Forced Air) 5.4 Megs, mp3, and about 5.5 min long

Music featured on this edition was UR Rithum by Laurie Laptop.


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Cone 11 (Forced Air) Number 1

I’ll be re-posting some “timeless favorites” from the old blog. Here’s the 1st podcast I did about pottery from Nov. 11th, 2004:

Clayart has a thread about radio, and I have been watching the explosion of podcasting content recently. I enjoy listening to these things while I work and thought potters would be a natural audience. So I decided to give it a go myself.


Futura Bold is the band featured in the background.

Here’s their Creative Common’s licensed music
Here’s their website

You gotta love that name.
Big thanks for allowing other’s to use their music.

No, I will not be quitting my day job!

Posted in Art | 2 Comments

Messier Sky Tours- SEDs as Podcast

Like looking at deep sky objects in your scope, but can’t remember a thing about them? Tired of holding a flashlight in your teeth and fumbling with astronomical books?

I want my scope time to be better-

So I took some of the information that SEDS (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space) publishes, ran it through and put the mp3 files up here as podcasts. Load em’ up and listen at your scope.

(Warning: These are, for the most part, unabridged. There are some tedious bits. If I took the time to edit, this would never get done! It does keep me at the eye piece longer!)

Posted in Astronomy | 3 Comments

Overview of Patient Provider Asynchronous Communication

The following is a paper I did for my first OHSU class, Introduction to Biomedical Informatics with Dr Hersh. I turned out pretty well, and I go back to it every now and then to grab a nice citation… so I’m putting it up for all to see.

Nothing much original here, just a good overview of the situation in 2006.


Reviewing 10 recent, highly cited papers, as well as other works, we note the issues surrounding asynchronous patient physician communication. While healthcare has dealt with this sort of communication in the past, new modes of asynchronous communication (the Internet) offer advantages.
Patients gain access to information, are empowered, and have alternative ways of expression and understanding that have not been available in the past. Clinicians have the opportunity to communicate more clearly, efficiently, and with greater convenience. All this is tempered by security, fiscal issues,
changes in workload, and possible loss of communication. While it is still too early to tell about the efficacy of this type of communication in general,(28) it is not too early to put begin to elucidate its issues and start to build that which has a promising future.

Asynchronous Patient Physician Communication pdf

Posted in Collaboration / Community, Medical Informatics | 2 Comments

Updated to WordPress 2.3

Not automatic, but nothing went wrong so I’m OK with it.

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