Messier Podcast Links Going Up

I’m starting to put up podcasts to the different Messier objects.  It’ll take a while, and if it gets too popular, I’ll need to host em somewhere else.

They are going up at this page.

Actually all the files are on the sever, but the links are not set up…so you could change the URL to grab a file that is not linked yet.. .

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Second Life Healthcare .. getting up to speed fast

If you are interested in healthcare in Second Life, here are a few tips to get you going:

I’m taking snapshots in Second Life of various medical venues. I think it is a quick way to get an overview of the variety that is out there, without actually logging into Second Life:

The main mailing list for folks that are really involved in SL Medical stuff:

There’s a nice wiki being put together at SLHealthy:

If you are in-world (within Second Life) you would do well to check out these areas:

There are many more places to go, and things change so much in Second Life I hesitate even linking to these…but I know how it helps to have a bit of direction.

Finally, the reason I went into Second Life in the first place was to check out support groups for a medical informatics class I was taking. I found this BBC produced video about Support for Healing Island and that is what convinced me to give the whole thing a try.

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Of Virtual Live Diabetes Groups

I am doing a bit of research on diabetes education and wanted to quickly check in with some folks about their experiences. This isn’t what the research is about, but I thought they could offer a few pointers of what to look for.SL Infor Poster and Knoh Oh

My first thought was Second Life, so I went in-world. There was no sim that I could find where folks with this issue would be hanging out, although I did find the SL Diabetes Support group’s info pretty easily. I also stumbled upon some informational posters set up on Health Info Island. They were pretty simple, tho nicely done, and had info on the support group. However, I ended up not finding anyone that I could chat to live.

So back to the web, a bit of searching and I find Diabetic-Talk. I end up getting a lot of live help on good ol’ IRC.

Why? I’m guessing that IRC has been around for a long time, doesn’t take much PC resources, has a brief (but can be somewhat stiff) learning curve, simple/free to set up on a server, and just works. I’m guessing that in the future we’ll find this to be true in the virtual worlds, but not quite yet.

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Cone 11 (Forced Air) Number 4

From 12/21/2005 re-posted from the old site for today

Holiday Radio Cone 11, Forced Air

Special Holiday Edition!

Just in time for the holidays, it’s a bit of Forced Air to keep you company as you pack, wrap, but hopefully not still firing!

This edition includes:

Carol of the Bells by Dilvie.

NOTE: I gave the wrong URL in the show. Please go to

Plastic Toys by the Ear Reverands

Holiday Handout Give Away – DIY Clay Whistles. (not available, yet 11/5.. JN)

The Latest News.

…and a special bonus track!

Best Wishes in the New Year!

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Cone 11 (Forced Air) Number 3

From the old site to you. First posted on 11/30/2004

Radio Free Pottery-

A fresh edition of Cone
11, Forced Air, is up and ready!

“Whisper” and “Squeekers”
provided by _AA_.

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