About 6 months ago I put up a pinhole camera outside that was constantly gathering light. After the solstice, I took it down, processed the image, and here it is –

What you are seeing are streaks of the sun as it goes across the sky. As the season progresses from Winter to Summer, the sun goes higher in the image. Silhouetted are trees in our yard and other foliage. The streaks themselves are also broken up by cloud cover. I was able to corrolate the streaks with a weather service’s cloud cover chart.

This was a fun, low-maintenance, project. I am dissapointed the upper image got cut off, but I am not sure there was room. Perhaps it is due to our latitude where the sun has a wide range in the seasons. I was surprised that I think I can see the individual streaks that I assume are days. It was cool to see it match up to the historical weather record.